Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Plateful of Resolutions

Finally can take a breather after all the rush-rush of the last few months. Holiday’s certainly stack up at the end of the year, don’t they? I enjoy the season as much as anyone but I also like moving on to the space afterwards, when we can relax a little, put away the decorations, and get on with the everydayness of our regular lives. Guess I’m just not the party animal type.

Apparently the big food companies have their own opinion of what kind of partying I’ve done over the past season; there are diet, no carb, low fat and weight loss coupons swamping my newspaper this week. Just how much eggnog do they think I drank? I had to go out and buy my own little carton of eggnog because none of the parties I was at had any! Hmmph. They can’t make me diet - I like food too much! I never see the point in making any New Year’s Resolutions anyway. Who needs the extra pressure? I’ve got enough on my plate (little anti-diet joke there) without stressing myself out over my weight or housekeeping or time management skills or whatever. 

Why aren’t people ever happy with the way they are, or their lot in life? We certainly have a lot to be thankful for - but sometimes we need to look around us, to see how good we really have it. What with all the many tragedies in the news - the economy, widespread issues and stresses a-plenty for millions ... well, I’m trying to think a little less of my own needs these days.

So my “resolutions” for this year? Simple To be truly grateful for the life I have, for my husband and kids, even for our crazy dogs. And especially for all the blessings we do have. To give as we are able, to show compassion a little more, and to have a few folks over for dinner this year.

After all, what’s the fun in having nice plates if I can’t share a little of what’s on my own?

(not my real plates! lol)

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